Thursday, January 8, 2009

my arm is alot beter now and Ifeel fine.

Monday, January 5, 2009

hear is the pictureof my arm
I just got back from flag staff and almost broke my was not fun at all exept I was great at it!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

one way to have children not scared is say that your going to get them a check up. Then when they see the needle tell them that it is not for them and that its for the man in the next room.After that tell them to look away and then try to make them lafe and they wont think about the pain.that is what my mom did to me whan I was yung it works. Oh and make them take deep breths.Or just tell them to take deep breths and dont look at it.
one way to have children not scared is say that your going to get them a check up then when they s

me in the renal scan room after needle.
but once its in then there is no more pain after that.